41CL Calculator

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External Links:

(IMDB) Jurgen Keller's Image Identifier online table

(KBIN) Kari Pasanen's HP-41 Binary Calculator (05/07/2019)

Miscellaneous .pdf documentation: (courtesy 'Angel Martin unless noted)

HP41CL - The Easy Way v1.0.pdf (05/23/2022, Meindert Kuipers)

Allschwil 2018 presentation (05/28/2021)

HHC 2017 CLUPDATE presentation (02/28/2020, Sylvain Cote)

Index of various games images (xls) (05/23/2019)

Index of various math images (xls) (05/23/2019)

LAST Function Implementation (08/01/2019)

GPS for the 41CL (zip, 07/29/2017, Mark A. Fleming)

Vintage Games, Vol. 1 (07/22/2019)

Vintage Games, Vol. 2 (07/22/2019)

(16CS) HP-16C Emulator Manual (07/31/2019)

(441Z) 41Z_44 -N Manual (12/02/2013)

(4MTI) SandMatrix -5Y Manual (01/28/2021)

(4AOS) HP-41 AOS Manual (02/06/2023)

(4OS4) OS4 Documentation (12/09/2020, Hakan Thorngren)

(4RAM) RAMPAGE & Toolbox Manual (12/22/2015)

(4TBX) RAMPAGE & Toolbox Manual (12/22/2015)

(ADVG) Advantage Math Manual (02/12/2020)

(BBDY) Heat Transfer Applications ROM Manual (02/08/2020)

(BSTZ) Boost Documentation (12/09/2020, Hakan Thorngren)

(CEPH) July 2024 Ephemerides (html, 07/09/2024, Jean-Marc Baillard)

(CITY) Countries QRG (12/22/2015)

(CLUT) CLUTILS -2H Manual (01/22/2012)

(CRTO) Crypto41 QRG (06/02/2021)

(EEFD) EE Filters QRG (02/15/2020)

(ELIX) Orbital Mechanics Manual (11/05/2019)

(EPIE) PIE ROM Manual (04/22/2022)

(EPIV) Epidemics Manual (09/04/2020)

(EPTC) Elliptic Functions QRG (11/05/2019)

(ETS4/5/9) ETSII Collection Manual (01/17/2017)

(FRML) Formula Evaluation Manual (05/31/2024)

(FRTH) FORTH_41+ Module Manual (12/15/2020)

(GJMR) GJM Module Manual (08/19/2016, Gregory J. McClure)

(H67G) HP-67 FUN Manual (12/15/2016, Gene Wright, et al)

(HELP) HP-41 Help System QRG (05/29/2021)

(HEP3) HEPAX Extensions Manual (04/04/2021)

(ISOL) Interchangeable Solutions Reference (01/20/2017)

(ITCP) NUTIP Manual (05/01/2014, Khanh-Dang Nguyen Thu Lam)

(LADY) Ladybug Documentation (06/01/2020, Hakan Thorngren)

(LEPH) June 2024 Ephemerides (html, 07/09/2024, Jean-Marc Baillard)

(METX) Path-Finding in Metro Networks (11/15/2021)

(NONL) Non-Linear ROM Manual (03/16/2023)

(OSX3) AMC/OSX Manual (11/02/2020)

(PKP1/2/3/4/5) PK Collection Manual (04/14/2014, Poul Kaarup)

(PPCU) PPC Applications QRG (07/27/2016)

(PPCU) PPC Apps Instructions (12/27/2016, Gene Wright, et al)

(PRTW) US Ports Database (10/04/2015)

(PWRL) POWERCL B4 -M Manual (12/23/2014)

(PWRX) POWERCL EXT -P Manual (12/21/2017)

(RCLT) Total Rekall + 2024 Manual (03/25/2024)

(RCSN) Recursion Manual (05/28/2021)

(RDNZ) RANDOM ROM Manual (04/30/2022)

(ROMX) XROM ROM Manual (11/05/2019)

(SERI) Series & Sums Manual (11/05/2019)

(SIHP) SIROM Manual (02/10/2017)

(SLVF) Equation Solver Manual (09/23/2022)

(SM44) SandMath 4x4 Manual (07/14/2021)

(TCHA) Chaos ROM Manual (09/23/2022)

(WARP) Warp Core+ K15 Manual (03/25/2024)

(WORD) Dictionary QRG (01/04/2016)

(XMTW) XMEM Twin Manual (04/08/2023)

(XMXF) XMEM X-Functions Manual (06/30/2022)

(XPMM) CL Expanded Memory Manual (04/06/2023)

(XSTK) DOUBLE ROM Manual (04/30/2022)

(XTAT) Extended Statistics Manual (04/30/2022)

(YPRT) HP41CL Serial Printer Manual (04/25/2022)

(YSV2) CV/CX Service Manual (11/09/2020)

(Z4DL) 41Z Deluxe Manual (05/26/2021)

(ZC2B) Contour ROM Manual (05/31/2024)

(ZMAT) Complex Matrix Manual (01/28/2021)

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